Ralph Mastrangelo, Chairman of the Ramapo College Board of Governors, and his wife Liz feel a special connection to the College. They share their story...

Q. What brought you to get involved with Ramapo College?

A. We always knew Ramapo College was right there in our backyard, and we attended events on occasion over the years, but we never really got to know it until we were introduced by good friends to the Performing Arts Series sponsored by The The Ramapo College Foundation. Besides enjoying the opportunity to attend some terrific performances, we got to meet some of the college administrators and students. We were very impressed! Through those events, we learned more about the school, its goals and needs. The more we learned, the more we wanted to get involved. The Salameno Spiritual Center initiative really got our attention. We loved the fact that the faculty saw the need and the administration responded in such a positive way. We wanted to be part of that wonderful project. Also, being a banker and a nurse, we very easily identified with the business and nursing schools' initiatives which were completed more recently.

Q. Who or what has contributed to your life success? Do you think of the planned gift as a way to give back?

A. We both grew up in New York City, in families that had faith-based values and parents that provided the love and support that, we believe, made achieving success in life perhaps a little easier for us. A little bit of luck and a lot of hard work never hurts either. We are very grateful for what we have been given, and have come to realize that not everyone is necessarily as fortunate. Plannedgiving gifts do provide a way to give back and, perhaps more importantly, can help remove obstacles for students who are willing to work hard and need a bit of help and, yes, some luck along the way.

Q. Why did you decide to create a charitable gift annuity? What were your objectives?

A. Easy decision. The annuity products available through The The Ramapo College Foundation programs are a winwin for the donor and the College. We wanted to provide financial support to the College, and discovered that we could meet that objective and at the same time meet some personal tax, estate planning and income objectives. What is better than that!

Q. What advice would you like to pass on to the next generation of Ramapo College students?

A. Try to define what is "life success" for you, and know that all is possible given the wonderful education you are receiving at Ramapo and all the support that is available from your faculty, administration and The The Ramapo College Foundation. With a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck, you, too, will get there.